Bath Tub Time Machine

Looks like it’s been about three years, one additional child (YAY!), and 1,550 baths administered since I’ve written/posted anything.  I’m not entirely sure I even have time to do it now since I spend almost all waking moments (and there are far more woken moments with two kids) working or parenting (or locked in the bathroom, according to my wife).  However, in a fit of nostalgia for NaBloPoMo, I thought I’d post something today, register on NaBloPoMo (if that’s still a thing), and see where the wind takes me.


Everybody’s Got a Sack of Rocks

Sometimes you just have to open the app and start typing.  Especially during National Blog Posting Month, when it’s more about quantity than quality.  At least, that’s always been my excuse for shoddy November posts.  😉

Wife is currently nursing Sweet Baby E and has her head tilted back on the recliner headrest because she’s exhausted.  Not normal day-to-day stay-at-home-mom exhausted, but more so, because Sweet Baby E was up and feeding seemingly every hour on the hour last night.  

I’ve been convinced for a couple weeks now that she’s actually running a pretty successful nightclub out of her Pack ‘n’ Play.  (Not to be confused with her Rock ‘n’ Play or her future Defecate ‘n’ Play potty).  Anyway, this happy child of ours just bursts with laughter, squeals, and babbling at any time overnight.  As wiped out as Wife is, we both remark regularly that we have no idea how working moms do this.  

I normally try to give people – waitstaff people in particular – the benefit of the doubt when they seem cranky or distant and remember that I have no idea what they may be going through beyond our brief interlude.  I now feel compelled to ask people if they have any young children at home and then let them sit down and maybe catch some ZZZZs.  It’s a wonder anyone is functioning well out there.

I experienced a little bit of this a few years ago for about a year.  My beloved beagle mix, Bodhi, developed a touch of the canine dementia and would wake every hour on the hour to go outside and/or eat.  I would get 6-8 hours of sleep at night, but I was constantly getting out of bed.  I don’t remember much else about that year.  

It’s things like this that make me wish we wore our issues on our clothing so everyone could see we all have something and maybe we would be a little more considerate and caring towards each other.  Elaine Stritch’s husband had a great line about it: “Everybody’s got a sack of rocks.”  

I’m not perfect and need to hear this as well.  I have a few coworkers past and present that I’m not fond of and have to force myself to remember that I don’t know where they’ve been or what they’re going through or why they do what they do.  

From now on, if I hear you have a baby or an infant at home, you get a clean slate!  Perhaps I’ll broaden the criteria as I evolve.  😉

I have to go now, Sweet Baby E has fallen asleep on the boob and the boob has fallen asleep as well.